Kokomo Rescue Mission Serves 680 Families With Toys, Meals, Supplies: New VIDEO and Pictures

Photos by Erick Dircks: CLICK HERE

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Clinton County just received a shipment of Boxes filled to top with Toys, Meals, Personal Care items, Fruit, Hams, Butter and more to help make Christmas merrier for many.

Kokomo Rescue Mission this year will serve a total of 680 families in 6 Counties.  891 Children will have toys for Christmas from the Mission.  A total of 2000 individuals will be served with Christmas Presents.  This is a massive project made possible by an army of volunteers.  According to Pam Givens and Anna Brown at the Kokomo Mission, over 1000 volunteers will be utilized by the time all the gifts are delivered. Funding is made possible by the Kokomo Rescue Mission Thrift Store, WWKI We Care Project, Private donations and other sources. “A lot of love goes into it” said Givens and Brown.

Kokomo Rescue Mission and volunteers will be delivering packages of food and toys to 78 families in Clinton County Saturday December 16th.

Volunteers helped deliver these boxes to 78 Clinton County Families Saturday morning at 8:00 at the Kokomo Rescue Mission office in the Clinton County Strip Mall directly south of the Frankfort Pizza Hut. Driver Volunteers brought a drivers licenese, an SUV/Van or Truck and a willing heart to get the job done. Vehicles were sent out with 2 people per vehicle because of the size of some of the boxes.

Volunteers get ready to distribute Christmas Gifts to 78 families in Clinton County

Shan Sheridan served on the Kokomo Rescue Mission board of directors for several years and Center Township Trustee Kevin Evans provided help with the Clinton County Project this year, according to Brown and Givens.

The 6 counties receiving help from the Kokomo Rescue Mission are Clinton,Howard, Miami, Tipton, Cass and Carroll.

Applications for these gifts were taken at the Phillippee resource center earlier this year and 78 Clinton County families have already been designated this year to receive the packages.

“Kokomo Rescue Mission Exists to proclaim the good news and demonstrate the compassion of Jesus Christ to the Homeless, Hungary and Hurting in North-Central Indiana.”