Purdue Extension-Boone County Hosts 3-Week Series For Vegetable Production; Registration Due March 28

Purdue Extension of Boone County has announced a three-week series that is expected to cover modern home growing vegetable production practices where participants will learn how to also manage diseases and pests in a sustainable manner.

The sessions will include “Getting Started in Vegetable Growing,” “Pest and Insect Management” and “Disease Management.”

The sessions will be held on April 8, April 15 and April 22 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at all Boone County libraries. Participants of the series will be charged $30 per person for all sessions, and registration must be completed by March 28. Registration may be completed at cvent.me/Mmy7XQ.

Questions regarding the series may be directed to the Purdue Extension Office in Boone County at 765-482-0750 or booneces@purdue.edu.