Racing Dates Secured for Clinton County Fairgrounds

This past weekend the Indiana Association of Fairs and Festivals held its annual meeting in Indianapolis.  Nancy Elsea, representing the Clinton County Fair Council, and Pam Royer, Race Secretary, asked the Indiana Standardbred Association to schedule more harness racing at the Clinton County Fairgrounds in Frankfort during the 2018 state race schedule. The association replied by announcing more racing dates for the Frankfort track. Renamed last year, the John “Doc” McClain Memorial Track, the Frankfort half-mile track is one of the fastest in Indiana.

The 2018 race dates are: Monday July 2 at 1 p.m.; Tuesday, July 3 at 1 p.m. ; Monday, July 9 at 6 p.m.; Tuesday, July 10 at 6 p.m.; and Saturday, September 15 at 11 a.m.

The Clinton County track is one of three harness racing tracks selected to be ready in case rain forces a change in Elite racing at the Indiana State Fairgrounds on Tuesday, August 28th at 1 P.M.  Either Shelbyville, Converse or Clinton County will be back-ups for the state fairgrounds in case of a rain out.  If the Indiana State Fairgrounds track is too wet to run, the race will be relocated to whatever track doesn’t have rain.