12th Grade Vaccinations Required When You Turn 16

The Clinton County Health Department is reminding everyone that 12th grade vaccinations are due at the individual’s 16th birthday.

Required vaccinations for 12th grade include 3 Hepatitis B, 5 DTaP, 4 Polio, 2 MMR, 2 Varicella and 2 Hepatitis A, 2 MCV4 (Meningococcal) and 1 Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis). It is also strongly recommended for this age group to receive the HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) vaccination series now if they haven’t already and begin the Men B (Meningococcal) series.  An annual Flu Vaccine is also recommended as most Indiana college campuses require the Men B vaccine series.

The Health Department can vaccinate all children all children who are 18 and younger, uninsured, have Medicaid, or have private insurance. Children over 18 who have private insurance or who are uninsured can also be vaccinated. Immunization records may be obtained by asking your provider for a “MyVaxIndiana” Instruction Guide and PIN number.