Colfax Historical Society Looking For Colfax School Connections

The Colfax Historical Society is reaching out to people who started their education at Colfax Elementary and then continued their education at Clinton Prairie Jr/Sr High School. Earlier this year, the CHS contacted graduates of Colfax High School, asking them for their support of the Colfax Historical Society. The current focus is “an outreach to Clinton Prairie students in the classes of 1962-1972.” The society is asking if you attended Colfax Elementary as a child and graduated from Clinton Prairie between 1962-1972, they would like to hear from you.  The historical society is requesting that persons interested in the Colfax Historical project email your contact information to

These are some athletic trophies signifying the excellence of the Colfax Hickories athletic teams in the past.
This is some of the artifacts and local historical items located upstairs at the Colfax-Perry Township Community Public Library.
This is a picture of the Rosenberger Building where the Colfax Historical Society would like to build a local history museum in.

The Colfax Historical Society, Inc. has a dream. They want to build a local history museum in what is thought to be the oldest building still standing in Clinton County.
And, judging by the interest in the initial meeting of the group Wednesday night at the Perry Township Public Library, there seems to be a lot of other folks who want to see this vision happen.
“I was happy that we had the people who were here,” said Acting President of the Society Amanda Boksa. “I know a number of them are long-time community members. So, I know there’s some connection to Colfax and they want to see progress.”

These are some athletic trophies signifying the excellence of the Colfax Hickories athletic teams in the past.
Approximately 25 people attended the meeting in the basement of the library.
What the Historical Society is proposing is taking materials that are located upstairs in the library and move it to the museum along with a lot of other items. In a release, it said Colfax citizens have long dreamed of the Rosenberger Building as an ideal spot to house a local history museum. This historic building was built in 1850 and is possibly the oldest in Clinton County and it is one of two buildings in Colfax with the distinction of being on the National Register of Historic Places. The goal of the Society is to purchase the building and relocate the museum inside the Rosenberger Building.
However, Boksa said it is difficult to assess how much this project will cost.
“There’s fees involved in a lot of things,” said Boksa. “It’s going to take probably at least $30,000 to acquire the building. Then, restoration is going to be the big part. We are really going to rely on local, federal and state grants for that.”
Boksa said the next things the group needs to do is have more meetings, get the 501(c)3 approval and acquire grants.
The effort to purchase the property will be funded by private donations. Individuals can pledge their support for the Colfax Historical Society. Donations will be accepted in care of Colfax-Perry Township Public Library, 207 S. Clark St., Colfax, IN 46035. Interested individuals can also find out information at
Boksa added this project is primarily based on public support.
“The timeline for this project is reliant on the community support,” said Boksa. “The grants are also going to reliant on broad based community support. So, without the help of Colfax residents and Clinton County residents, this is not going to be a possibility. We need as much support as possible.”