International Moon Night Observations in Westfield Saturday

Saturday September 14th is International Observe the Moon night.

If you ever wanted to know more about the moon and are up for some stunning images of our closest celestial neighbor, consider going to Westfield Saturday night for this event hosted by Grand Universe. The event will kick off at 8PM and end at 11PM.

Saturday at Grand Junction Plaza families can celebrate International Observe the Moon Night!  The host will have telescopes set up to give everyone a chance to view our fascinating moon. You can learn more about the event by going to the Facebook event at

Grand Universe is partnering with Westfield Welcome and the City of Westfield Parks department for this event.
Telescopes will be operating to show you the moon up close. In addition will may also get a glimpse of the ringed planet Saturn.

This event is free and kid friendly so come on out and let’s celebrate the amazing moon! 🌙