Changes Being Made to Nixle Regarding Messages

Everbridge/Nixle team has decided to make changes that will effect how you receive messages.

They have deteremined that people opt out of Nixle messages because of constan “alert fatigue.”  If you are signed up to receive both text and emails they will now only send the email for an advisory message which is the majority of our messages like road closures.

All high alert messages will still be sent to both text and emails.  High alert messages are weather warnings and other public safety notices that we consider a high alert.

I would suggest if you want to receive the text messages that you remove your email address from your account.

Another option is to stay signed up for both text and emails but download the free Everbridge Mobile app and turn your alert notifications on because all messages sent will post to the app.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at [email protected]  Please know the changes were made by Everbridge/Nixle and not by our department.