The Unknown Indiana Militia

The Unknown Indiana Militia
By Scott Spires


During the past decades in American popular culture we hear of militia groups forming across the United States. What is not well known is that Indiana has its own professionally trained state militia. This is not referring to the Indiana Army National Guard as some would believe. This militia group is the professionally trained Indiana Guard Reserve. A volunteer force of roughly 300 individuals solely under the command of the Governor and is distinct from the Indiana Army National Guard in that there are no federal activation requirements. The Indiana Guard Reserve can be called upon by the Governor to assist the Indiana National Guard or in the event the Indiana National Guard is already on active duty federal service and Indiana has an emergency need arise. The Indiana Guard Reserve is authorized by the 2010 Indiana code, Title 10 Public Safety. Article 16 Indiana Military Code, Chapter 8. Guard Reserve. While not widely known, the Indiana Guard Reserve is always ready to assist the state of Indiana. Some of the mission essential task are, to assist civil authorities in the preservation of order, and to protect life and property. Meet domestic emergencies as may arise within the state of Indiana. Guard and protect critical industrial installations and facilities where security is inadequate, as determined by the Governor. Prevent or suppress subversive activities in support of state and local law enforcement agencies. And to assume control of state armories and property, providing security for these facilities where required.

Some of the objectives are; to have a pool of qualified soldiers to augment District or County Emergency Operations Centers, develop three 10 to 12, person non-dog search and rescue teams ready to report to incident commander within 6 hours. Have three 10-12, person property damage assessment teams. Develop a constabulary force package. Develop a C2 plan for radio amateur civilian emergency services to establish emergency communications (RACES) within 4 hours’ notice of alert. And to develop C2 plan for Medical Reserve Corps and MESH assets.The Individual objectives are; participate in search and rescue team training. Become National Incident Management System “NIMS” compliant or achieve Military Emergency Management Specialist “MEMS” skill badge. Be able to deploy in 24 hours and sustain for 72 hours without resupply. Develop family care plans. Use standard U.S. Army taxonomy, update civilian employment skills database. Enroll in President’s Fitness Challenge program and set personal health goals. Become familiar with the “Uniform Code of Military Justice”. Earn President’s Challenge recognition badge or medal, be medically cleared for physical training and earn a ‘GO’ score on the INGR version of the Army Physical Fitness Test “APFT”. And to participate in a civilian marksmanship program and obtain the weapons qualification badge.

The dedicated volunteers for the Indiana Guard Reserve do not serve out of state. Nor do they receive compensation for their service, and are not reimbursed for travel, and they receive no uniform allowance. IGR volunteers are authorized to wear the U.S. Army duty uniforms. Both Class ‘A, ‘B, and the Class ‘C ‘ACU’s. Ownership of the Dress Blues Uniform is optional. Also the IGR constantly receives a tremendous amount of training from the state military and other agencies. Drills are held one Saturday per month, and two and one half days training each year at Camp Atterbury, usually in September. The IGR volunteers also receive the sincere gratitude of the communities they assist in their time of crisis.

The Indiana Guard Reserve is stretched thin numbering only 300 Indiana Guard Reservist, and is in need volunteers, with a wide array of skills. We live in uncertain times; it is comforting to know a group of Hoosier volunteers; trained, professional soldiers are at the ready to assist the citizens of Indiana. If some of the reader’s, ex-military or civilian would like to be part of the Indiana Guard Reserve, please don’t hesitate to contact the IGR at # 800-237-3300 extension 4038 or visit their website