Frankfort Representative Claims Miss Pre-Teen Indiana Crown

A former Frankfort resident and the representative for the City of Frankfort has secured her title as Miss Pre-Teen Indiana with aspirations to win the title of Miss Pre-Teen Universe at the national level in July.

Frankfort Representative Lauryn Peaches wins Miss Pre-Teen Indiana title.
– Photo courtesy of Mildred Willis.

Lauryn Peaches was announced as the winner of the Miss Pre-Teen Indiana title, which is a tier of the Teen Universe Pageant including teen, pre-teen and petite. Peaches was invited to attend the national competition in Miami, Florida for a chance to be crowned Miss Pre-Teen Universe at the age of 15.

Peaches is an Indianapolis resident with ties to the Frankfort community as a former Frankfort resident and the granddaughter of Hazel and Clarence Davis, who own Big Country BBQ, have operated the Kitchen of Hope and appear at numerous events throughout the community with help from their friends and family, including Peaches. Her mother, Mildred Willis, expressed that while she lives in Indianapolis, her passion for the Frankfort community and her connections allowed her to pursue a new opportunity in the pageant world, which both Willis and Peaches are proud to showcase.

“She was representing the City of Frankfort even though we do live in Indianapolis,” Willis said. “Indianapolis already had a representative, and my parents live in Frankfort. Lauryn spends a lot of time in Frankfort, and we lived in Frankfort at one point, so she has been to school in Frankfort when she was younger.”

Willis continued her sentiment, stating that Peaches visits the Frankfort community often and holds a special place in her heart for the community and her family who reside in the county.

“We’re very, very proud of her representing the City of Frankfort,” Willis said. “Her grandfather is a retired military veteran. We have a family business in Frankfort–Big Country BBQ–which they can always find Lauryn there, she goes there and works sometimes. I hope the City of Frankfort supports her.”

Peaches celebrates her victory as she looks toward nationals.
– Photo courtesy of Hazel Davis

Willis stated that the process to become a participant in the state pageant was competitive, and it required an application to be filed with information about Peaches’ character and academics. Willis commented that Peaches’ school performance and involvement was a highlight of her application as she is a distinguished honor student at Lawrence Central. Willis continued to express that while Peaches looked forward to the competition, the announcement of her victory in the pageant caused the entire family to feel a wave of excitement and nerves as she planned her next appearance at the national level in Miami.

“I’m actually very nervous and excited at the same time,” Willis said. “This is her first pageant. She’s never done pageant work before, so to see her just step out of her comfort zone and try this almost on a whim–it was brought up to her by one of her mentors. She thought that it would be a good thing for her to do, and for her to actually win it and move forward in the competition is very, very exciting.”

Willis continued to comment that the excitement and nerves have extended to the entire family since her victory was announced as she and her daughter continue to prepare for the final competition.

“It’s a little nerve-wracking because you’re learning all the ins and outs of being a pageant mom and what all goes into it,” Willis said. “All the practicing, learning the different dress styles and the rules is all very new to both of us.”

While Peaches has not participated in pageants in the past, Willis stated that she has always had a passion for modeling, and she has learned to tailor her skills and her interests into success in the pageant scene, leading her on a route to achieve her dreams.

“She’s always kind of walked around and pranced in heels, and I’ve always told her that she walks better in heels than I do,” Willis said. “She would take my heels and prance around in the house and stuff like that. She’s interested in fashion. She sews. She’s taken multiple sewing classes and has an interest in design and stuff like that. She’s always wanted to kind of be in modeling, but I don’t think she saw it in this lane of pageantry work until recently.”

For the state competition, Peaches and the other contestants were tasked with modeling dresses as well

Peaches competes against City Representatives from across the state in the state competition.
– Photo courtesy of Hazel Davis

as answering competition questions, which were graded on how well the contestant was able to articulate their answers. The national competition will further require modeling and articulation, but an added talent portion will shake up the competition as the state level did not require a talent for Indiana. Willis teased the talent opportunities for Peaches, but she commented that Peaches has not solidified her talent completely and will have around seven months to choose an avenue and practice.

“Lauryn is multitalented, and she hasn’t decided which one she’s going to display yet,” Willis said. “Lauryn sings. She’s a prominent member of her school’s show choir, and she’s in the top-tier women’s choir, which is called Sweets, for Lawrence Central, and she’s a proud member of the show choir team as well. She’ll do something in that area I’m sure.”

Community members can follow Peaches’ journey on Instagram @lauryn.peaches or by following @teen_universe_indiana. Community members may also sponsor some of the costs associated with the pageant for Peaches and Willis, and potential sponsors should contact the duo through Peaches’ Instagram page or Willis’ Facebook page at Vibrant Jubilee.

Willis stated that Peaches is available for guest appearances at events across the state as the official Pre-Teen Indiana winner, and community members wishing to have her visit for mentoring advice for younger girls and more should contact Peaches’ Instagram page or Willis’ Facebook page at Vibrant Jubilee as well.