Andromeda Galaxy Image Captured Last Night Near Lafayette

World-Class astrophotography is now in reach for talented Amateur Astronomers in the Frankfort, Lafayette area.

Eric Bowen last night (Sunday August 16, 2020) captured this image of the famous Andromeda Galaxy.  To capture this image Eric took 100 three minute photos and stacked them together.

Eric explains some of the technical specs under the photo for those who may be interested but the image itself is worth a thousand words.

Andromeda Galaxy is about 2.5 million light years away, meaning the light for this image took 2,500,000 years to reach us.


Andromeda Galaxy imaged by Eric Bowen near Lafayette, Indiana on August 16, 2020


“The first in a new series of images. The Andromeda Galaxy, approx. 2.5 million Light Years away, captured last night from Lafayette. 100 x 3 min subs, William Optics 81mm Zenithstar APO @ f/0.8 on Losmandy G11T mount, ZWO IR cut filter, ZWO ASI1600MC Pro, Captured in Sharpcap 3.2, Stacked and processed in Pixinsight 1.8. I was in awe of the data when I first saw it! The uncompressed image shows clearly defined dust lanes, open clusters within the galaxy, and background galaxies extending for billions of light years.”