Four-year old Izabella-Marie A. Helem, Lebanon, was being cared for her grandmother and Marberry (the grandmothers ex-husband). Marberry had been staying at the residence and sleeping on the couch. Marberry had left a handgun on the floor under the couch on the morning of the shooting.
Helem was shot one time, with a wound found in the area of her left shoulder blade and another on the right side of her head. Investigator’s are awaiting the autopsy results to determine which is the entrance wound and exit wound, as well as the bullet’s path of travel.
Marberry is currently being lodged in the Lake County Jail awaiting extradition back to Boone County Jail on the warrant that was issued out of Boone County
Circuit Court. Marberry has been charged with Neglect of a Dependent, a level 3 felony.