Camp Cullom Becomes Certified Webelo and Cub Scout Day Camp: VIDEO and Pictures

Camp Cullom Hosted the first annual Webelo and Cub Scout camp at Camp Cullom and has received National accreditation as a BSA certified summer Webelo and Cub Scout day camp.

This year’s Day Camp for Cub Scouts at  Camp Cullom had about 30 scouts plus tag-alongs with the primary job of having a ton of fun and making new friends while learning a few things along the way.

Photos by Erick Dircks: CLICK HERE

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Cub Scout activities at the Camp Cullom Day Camp included Archery, shooting BB guns, nature hikes , water and soil conservation class, a scavenger hunt, a model rocket launch, water games, (sliding on big hill slip and slide, water fight with water squirters, sponges and water guns).

Camp Cullom Ranger Hoppy Bray played an important part in making the week special, according to volunteer leaders.

The event was powered by several volunteers and special guests :

Monday : Mr and Mrs David Hovdie ,(17th century reenactment)

Wednesday:- Mr.and Mrs Griffith (a presentation on parrots )

Thursday: Den guides did skits and camp songs

Friday:   Rich Kelly presentation on safety after camp for shooting guns.

A Big thank you to adult volunteers who made the week successful:

Clinton County Nurses ( Elizabeth Banes and Chris Elston )

Camp director ( Bob Vernon)

Program Director / station master for games and sports (Dana Harrison )

Aquatics director and trading post (Sandra Kelly )

Financial officer/ kitchen director / Registration ( Jessie Cline)

Youth den guides (Chris Green, Chris Parker,Ryan Sheperd, Blessing Yoder, Emily Van-Harn

Adult volunteers ( David Champa, Bill Moore,Ralf Willard,Pashen and Toby Byers, Shane Sheperd ,Gabe Gohier, Elizabeth Gohier, Jeff Osborne, Noah Vernon, Eli and Howard Griffith, John Brannon, David Hovde and Erick Dircks.

Cub Scouts are encouraged to attend next year at the second annual Cub Scout day camp event.