Carroll County Swine Show: Entire Video and Clips of Winners

Kolby Butcher walked away from the Carroll County Swine show Thursday with Grand Champion Barrow, Reserve Grand Champion Barrow and 5th place over all Barrow.  Three of the Top 5 Barrow positions went to this young man.

Shine 99 host Reporter Melissa Miller does not recall a sweep like this ever happening in any show she was familiar with in all her reporting days.

Kolby Butcher with Triple Win at the 2018 Carroll County Swine Show. Photo by Russ Kaspar

Kaleb Meek did very well also winning Reserve Grand Champion Gilt and Fourth overall Barrow with a double win.

The Carroll County Swine show is the largest swine show in Indiana and one of the most competitive.  Here are the winners, links to the entire show and clips to remember the event.

Shine 99 Coverage on Radio, Shine 99 TV and here were made possible by Indiana Packers, Mann Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Eikenberry Fine Furniture and Tri Green Tractor.

Champion Barrows:

Grand Champion: Kolby Butcher

Reserve Grand Champion: Kolby Butcher

Third Overall Barrow: Maddie Sheris

Fourth Overall Barrow: Kaleb Meek

Fifth Overall Barrow: Kolby Butcher

Champion Gilts:

Grand Champion: Rylie Lanum

Reserve Grand Champion: Kaleb Meek

Third Overall Gilt: Mackenzie Myers

Fourth Overall Gilt: Kristen Buck

Fifth Overall Gilt: Erin Scott


LINK to the entire 6 hour Show as seen on Shine 99 TV:




Coverage by Shine 99 made possible by Indiana Packers, Eikenberry Fine Furniture, Mann Chevrolet-Buick-GMC and Tri Green Tractor
