CCSWCD Launches Tree and Shrub Sale

The Clinton County Soil and Water Conservation District recently launched its annual tree and shrub sale.  Autumn is a great time to plant trees!  From the Morton Arboretum….”fall season planting (mid-August through mid-October) offers many advantages that may outweigh spring planting.  Transpiration is low and root generation potential is high.  Temperatures are typically moderate to cool, and are easier on the plants so there is less chance for the trees to be stressed by extreme heat.  The fall moisture (rains) help the trees and shrubs to establish their root systems.  When the air temperatures are cooler than the soil, new root growth is encouraged without new top growth.  The result is a stronger, better developed root system for the next spring when the plant begins to grow.”

Each year, the CCSWCD offers a variety of quality container grown native trees and shrubs for sale.  All orders must be pre-paid and placed prior to September 17.    Tree pick-up is tentatively scheduled for September 21.  To request an order form please contact the CCSWCD at [email protected] or call 765-659-1123. Extension 3.  Any proceeds from the sale will be used to help fund ongoing conservation efforts within the community.