Frankfort City Council Approves Three Projects With READI Grant Funds

The Frankfort City Council found out about three of the projects they will be affiliated with the help of funds from the READI Grant Tuesday night.

The READI Grant is a matching grant money source they can pull from. The city was awarded $2.7 million in matching grants on three separate projects — the Meadowbrook Housing Project ($1.5 million), the Cradle to Career Program ($1 million) and cleanup for the Roundhouse ($200,000).

“It’s exciting,” said Frankfort Mayor Judy Sheets. “It’s kind of what we expected to happen. $200,000 for the Roundhouse, then a million for the Cradle to Career and then $1.5 million for the infrastructure of Meadowbrook.”

Sheets added that if the Cradle to Career changes its name back to the Career Tech Center, they will have go back and get an appropriation to change what they passed.

In all, the City was to get $30 million from the READI Grant.

In other news, the Council passed an additional appropriation ordinance for the rest of the year so that members of the Frankfort Fire Department can get overtime.

“For different reasons, they’ve had to get into their overtime this year,” said Sheets. “They were falling short at the end of the year. (Fire Chief) Matt (Stidham) came to them for an additional appropriation of $70,000.”

The Council also passed an ordinance amending and restating an ordinance that set the salaries and hourly wages for city employees on second and third reading.

“We made a chance at the parks department on the restructuring of how it’s going to be,” said Sheets. “Our parks supervisor is going to have more responsibilities and take over personnel issues.”

Sheets added Parks Superintendent Bart Kraning is going to become more in charge of big projects like the Aquatic Center and Prairie Creek Park as well as come up with master plan for the parks over the next five years.