City Planning Paving Projects for 2022

Frankfort City officials are planning a variety of road improvement projects in 2022. Street Superintendent, Jason Forsythe, has been working with the Indiana Department of Transportation on the Next Level Roads: Community Crossing Matching Grant.

If awarded the grant in 2021, The City of Frankfort would encumber the funds with the 2022 resources budgeted for road repairs. “If the City is awarded the grant, we will have to open bids for the paving projects and secure contractors before the winter weather arrives. It would be a tight timeline for us to complete the projects before the end of the year,” said Jason Forsythe, Street Superintendent.

Four of the paving areas would include sections connecting to State Road 28 and another section of paving off of Washington Avenue. Forsythe said “We don’t want the contractors to come back twice or waste extra resources to complete the paving again once the State Road 28 Project is complete.”

The Community Crossing Matching Grant Program provides funding to cities, towns, and counties across Indiana to make improvements to local roads and bridges. This program is a partnership between the Indiana Department of Transportation and Indiana communities to invest in infrastructure projects that advance economic development, job creation, and local transportation.