Listen below to the interview with Coach Eaton on Thursday’s Partyline program:
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The Central CyberDAWGS Elementary Robotics Team, 13301A, has qualified for the 2023 VEX Robotics World Championship in Dallas, Texas, May 2-4, 2023.
They will compete among 760 other elementary teams from all over the world. There will be 27 countries represented at the Elementary IQ Robotics World Championship. There are 10 different divisions, each comprising of 76 teams. The Central CyberDAWGS are in the Technology Division. Other countries in their division include Australia, Canada, China, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.
In the VEX IQ Competition, teams of students are tasked with designing and building a robot to play with other teams in a game-based engineering challenge. This year’s challenge, Slapshot, is played on a 6’ x 8’ rectangular field. Two robots compete in the Teamwork Challenge, as an alliance, in 60-second-long teamwork matches, working collaboratively to as score points as they can.
Teams also compete in the Robot Skills Challenge where one robot takes the field to score as many points as possible. These matches consist of Driving Skills Matches, which are driver controlled, and Programming Skills Matches, which are autonomous with limited human interaction.
Students Connor Archibald, Paitlyn Haley, Bronson Kercheval, Shaun Simmons, and Owen Wellman are sixth graders at Clinton Central Elementary School and comprise our elementary team, 13301A.
This team placed 10th in the teamwork challenge at the state tournament to guarantee their spot in the VEX Robotics World Championship next week. Our robotics season spans from September through May so they have spent several hours building their robot and practicing to get to this point. Connor, Paitlyn, Bronson, and Shaun are our robot drivers. They each drive in the teamwork challenge and skills challenge. Owen is the team manager and programmer. He programmed the robot to run autonomously to score as many points as possible in the skills challenge.
Coach Emily Eaton says “We are excited to see how they do next week!” Coach Eaton also is story contributor for this article.
Listen to WILO radio this week for interviews with the students and Coach Eaton.
Photos can be seen in links below