Clinton Central FFA Have Participated in Several Events So Far This Year

So far this year the Clinton Central FFA members and advisors have already participated in many events!

At the state fair members helped with little hands on the farm. This allowed them to engage with parents and children to help them learn about many processes and practices on farms. Along with that, a few days later 6 members and an advisor went to help at one of the pork tents at the Indiana State Fair. Members served food to many people and had an amazing day!

With the events listed above, members participated in the annual antique tractor drive, elementary carnival, and tire recycling drive! 

At the annual tractor drive they followed our fellow community members who love their antique tractors out to “A Summer Place”! We love participating in this event and plan to for many years to come. The elementary carnival was a huge success! Members and students of our elementary school were allowed to join in on a fun day filled with games, hotdogs, and smiles! With all this, many members helped with the tire recycling drive at the Clinton County Fair Grounds!

So far this is all the events that we have participated in this school year but there are MANY to come! 

Upcoming contests:

Horticulture- members travel to Purdue campus and preform in 5 tests. This includes a test on fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, flower/ indoor plant, and a test on their knowledge! 

Forestry- it’s much like the contest above but with multiple different plants and knowledgeable questions.

Entomology- just as previously stated…it’s a contests! Except this one consist of insects of all sorts. 

There are many other contests coming up but that’s just a few! 

We are also having a blueberry fundraiser. All orders are due 9/5 while the estimated time of delivery is between 9/11-9/18!