Clinton County 4-H Fair Ends With Record Numbers In Attendance

Clinton County 4-H Fair is over for Clinton County with record numbers attending the fair.


Photo sent by Koda’s Family


When we think of the fair most think of the food and rides. We need to remember the reason for the fair. It is the many many hours that our kids put into the 4-H fair raising livestock for some and others enter other things such as baking, photos, sewing, and much more to compete in showing and competing with many others.

4-H is America’s largest youth development organization empowering youth to lead for a lifetime.

Today we would like to spotlight a couple of 10 year 4-H kids because it marks the end of their 4-H career as they move on to college and begin adulthood.

Erica McWhirt and Koda Allen.

Koda Allen is a 10 year member and won Champion Chester White Barrow.

Koda also mentored Graham Wellman a mini 4-H kid this year.

Koda graduated from Clinton Central this year and will attend University of Southern Indiana this fall.

Erica McWhirt is also a 10 year member and was named 2022 Supreme Showman.
Erica’s accomplishments are
Grand Champion Market Doe
Grand Champion Percentage Doe
Grand Champion Fullblood Doe
Grand Champion Commercial Doe
Reserve Grand Champion Percentage Doe
Overall Goat Showman. Best 2 Doe in a Herd, Sweepstakes in Garden And Duroc Gilt won in her class 4th place overall Gilt.
Erica graduated from Clinton Central this year and will attend Purdue University this fall.

Photo by McWhirt Family

Congratulations to all the 4-H kids and parents who spend so many hours to compete in competition and best of luck to those moving on to the State Fair.

If there are any Clinton County Fair events you missed, check out  We have archived “forever” over 15 fair events, made possible by our Community-minded Sponsors.