Clinton County Commissioners Approve Unofficial Detour for State Road 26

The Clinton County Commissioners on Wednesday approved the unofficial detour for State Road 26 for 800 North from State Road 29 to the East County Line.

Highway Superintendent Rick Campbell said individuals are already using that as a detour. So, the Commissioners went ahead and approved it.

Due to the rain the area has received recently, Campbell asked the Commissioners if the Highway Department could put in a 12-inch pipe on County Road 700 North between County Road 950 West and 900 West to help alleviate flooding issues that happen on the road. Campbell said there is a county tile there and when it gets full, it runs across the road. He said the water is supposed to go west, but it stays there for a couple of years until the side ditch fill up again. Campbell added it is a safety issue because the water runs across the road.

Campbell also added he is going to take part of hump out at the Railroad Crossing on County Road 300 North out while the solar farm is paving roads in the area. He said they would do that when it quits raining. He said they took the Railroad Crossing out on 100 by Maish Road. He added that road will be repaved as soon as possible.