Clinton County SWCD Receives 319 Implementation Grant

The Clinton County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) has been awarded a 319 Implementation Grant from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s (IDEM) Non-Point Source Management Program to continue implementing water quality projects such as: cover crops, heavy use area protection, conservation cover, grass waterways, livestock exclusion (fencing), blind inlets, 2-stage ditches, and other approved practices that will benefit water quality in the South Fork Wildcat Creek Watershed. These grant dollars are passed down to the states from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to address the Federal Clean Water Act, which enables local communities to improve and protect water quality in ditches, streams, rivers, and lakes. Historically, the Clinton County SWCD has been successful at attracting these conservation dollars to help leverage county resources for local residents.  Since 2009 education and planning efforts have been focused on the South Fork Wildcat Creek Watershed which drains portions of Clinton, Howard, Tippecanoe, and Tipton Counties, with the majority of land falling within Clinton County.

Previously the Clinton County SWCD secured an Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s (IDEM) Non-Point Source Management Implementation Grant (2013-2016) in the South Fork Wildcat Creek Watershed. Activities would include both education and construction projects that helped increase local awareness of water quality issues as well as reduce the amount of pollutants entering the South Fork Wildcat Creek, recognized as 1 of only 3 streams in Indiana which are part of Indiana’s Natural, Scenic, and Recreational River System. Multiple planning meetings were hosted to gather input from local city and county departments and identify joint project opportunities. For instance, the Clinton County SWCD collaborated with Ivy Tech Community College, Frankfort Campus, and implemented pervious pavement, bioswales and rain gardens during reconstruction. These practices minimized surface water run-off in the City of Frankfort. In addition a number of rural practices such as cover crops, no-till, prescribed nutrient management, and conservation cover were implemented throughout the watershed. If you have an idea for a project, agricultural or urban, you are encouraged to contact the Clinton County SWCD to discuss what opportunities may be available.

The Clinton County SWCD wants to ensure the needs of Clinton County residents and landowners are being meet and would encourage you to contact our office to find out more about the South Fork Wildcat Creek project and/or serve on the Steering Committee. This program is for the public and we want to ensure local stakeholders are heard and actively involved throughout this grant. Meetings will be held quarterly (every 3 months or so). If you are interested please contact the Clinton SWCD.

At this time, Clinton County SWCD, and project partners are working on the Cost-Share Program which will prioritize how funds and technical assistance are disbursed across South Fork Wildcat Creek Watershed. In addition various community events will be held, that will seek to combat water quality issues to further enhance our community. We have a natural community treasure out our back door, let’s realize the rewards and maximize the resource. Contact the Clinton SWCD and see how to get involved!

For more information please contact the Clinton County SWCD at 765-659-1223 x.3 or online at