Commissioners Agree to Having Legal Help Kiosk on Second Floor of Courthouse

The Indiana Bar Association has been floating around a legal help kiosk which is primarily for those people wishing to defend themselves.

At Thursday’s Clinton County Commissioners meeting, Judge Brad Mohler presented the plan to the Commissioners, who approved the project unanimously. He added the plan is for one year and at no cost to the county.

“Basically what its going to do is to give legal information to any individual that wants to who wants information about a issue they are having,” said Commissioners President Jordan Brewer. “The first major item that its looking at is housing initiatives. So that would be evictions and those types of things.”

The kiosk will be on the second floor of the Clinton County Courthouse outside of the Clerk’s office. Not sure of the date when it arrives, Brewer said he hoped it would available to the public in late January.

The Commissioners also discussed a communications consultant proposal. The main goal for that is to help with transparency and major issues such as COVID.

“Although we responded very well, you look around at some of our neighboring counties at how they handle it (COVID),” said Brewer. “They tried to be up front and communicate with the public. They did so through with the help of a communications consultant like this.”

Brewer added they going to use this person as more of a consultant rather than full-time employee.

The next meeting for the Commissioners is Tuesday, January 3.