Commissioners Approve Bid for Community Crossings Grant

The Clinton County Commissioners approved a bid of $959,622.10 from Milestone Construction Monday to pave six different roads in the county.

“We were not able to participate last year,” said Clinton County Highway Superintendent Kevin Myers. “This year, the state awarded the county $657,400 which is 75 percent of the total project cost.”

The six roads being done with their cost are County Road 0 N/S ($117,637.50), KIrklin Brick Road ($308,241.40), Greenlawn Subdivision Various Streets ($52,404.20), South County Road 1300 E ($390,362.40), Various Roads in Boyleston ($36,619.30) and South County Road 650 E ($54,357.30).

“It’s based on our PASER road rating system and that’s why the roads were selected,” said Myers. “There will be a lot of questions coming up why are we doing this road and not this road. This had to fall into the same definitive criteria in order for us to participate in this.”

Myers added the bids was $137,872 over the projected costs and also said the remainder of the money needed for the project will come from the county’s Rainy Day Fund.

Myers also said he is not sure when this project will start because this is a state project and it will be scheduled when it is convenient for the contractor.