Commissioners Approve Funding to Chamber in Order to Finish Renovation

The Clinton County Commissioners gave their approval to help fund he project the Chamber  wants to  put an elevator in the building and get closer to finish the renovation.

The Clinton County Commissioners gave their approval Wednesday for a new elevator to be put in the Clinton County Chamber of Commerce.

“We were happy to see that we could get together with the Chamber and kind of get things in the right order like we try to do with everything else when it comes to funding and independent contractors,” said Clinton County Commissioner Josh Uitts. “The last (County) Council meeting, Commissioner (Jordan) Brewer and I happened to be there when the ask was made of the council for the additional funding from CEDIT.”

Last month, Chamber Executive Director Shan Sheridan made the presentation to the Council which is going to be the third and final phase of the Iron Block Building renovation since the Chamber purchased the building at the corner of Washington and Main in downtown Frankfort.

After that meeting, County Council President Alan Dunn said the Council was quite supportive of the project.

“Clearly, the Council was in support of spending up to $100,000 in funding that would be used to provide an elevator for access to the second floor and make the building ADA compliant,” said Dunn.

Uitts added it is important for the elevator to be put in so that the Chamber can more adequately serve the towns and cities in the county.

In other news, there is a good possibility that the Commissioners are going to bring back and old committee that dealt with courthouse security.

“If you read the statute, it says it court security,” said Uitts. “Over the years, that has kind of extended to being courthouse security which makes sense because if anybody is going to the courtroom on the third floor they have to come through the first floor. So, we want to make sure that is secure. Now, we’re going to be adding another building (the Courthouse Annex) that is going to need security and we need to get that committee back together.”

Uitts added that decision would be made the prosecutor, sheriff, two judges, Commissioners and County Council.