Community Members Graduate From 2025 Frankfort Police Department Citizens Academy

The Frankfort Police Department recognized the graduates of the Frankfort Police Department Citizens Academy last week following a 9-week course where community members learned more about the department and law enforcement as a whole.

Every evening covered different aspects of the law enforcement profession and was led by Officer Jacob Myers. Officer Myers has attended the National Citizen’s Police Academy Association conference where he previously held an appointed position on the board of directors. During the academy, department law enforcement personnel present the instruction with an occasional outside speaker, and the students take field trips with members of the Clinton County Sheriff’s Office, Clinton County Central Dispatch, Clinton County Prosecutor’s Office and Clinton Circuit Court to gain a wide array of knowledge on different topics.

Topics for the academy include criminal code, vehicle code, OWI enforcement, criminal investigations, patrol operations, diversity, use of force, K9, firearms, virtual reality training, narcotics and more. Hands-on training was also taught with simulated practical situations for the students to receive a first-hand experience of law enforcement in the local community. The program allows for students to ask questions and receive answers on every topic of instruction.

A graduation dinner was held upon completion of the program on March 18 and certificates of completion were issued to those who have met the requirements. Students must attend eight of the nine weekly classes to successfully complete the program. Students bear no costs for their participation in the academy.

The next Citizens Academy will likely begin receiving applications for participation toward the end of 2025.

Citizens graduate from the FPD Citizens Academy.
– Photo courtesy of FPD