A special meeting was called by Mayor Chris McBarnes and Center Township Trustee Kevin Evans on Thursday and included the United Non-Profits of Clinton County, Center Township of Clinton County, the City of Frankfort, First Responders, and the Community Schools of Frankfort. This meeting highlighted the need for an emergency warming center from Saturday January 19 through Monday January 21.
Location of Warming Center: Green Meadows, located at 1900 S. Jackson St, Frankfort, IN 46041
Times of Warming Center: Saturday, January 19th at 8 a.m. through Monday, January 21 at noon.
Should you need assistance to get to the warming center or find someone in need, please contact Central Dispatch at 765-654-5563 to have assistance to get to the location. Our local churches, first responders, and other volunteers will assist in getting individuals to the warming center, as needed.
The individual attending the warming center will receive case management services, food, a warm place to sleep through the weather, and help for a long-term plan. If you would like to be a volunteer, please contact Center Township at 765-601-4232 or email kevans@centertownshipofclintoncounty.com.
In order to be qualified as a volunteer, you have to pass a national background check for the safety of the other volunteers involved and the safety of the individuals in need.