Couple Discusses Baby & Me Tobacco-Free Program

Healthy Communities has been awarded the Title V Maternal Child Health Grant through Indiana State Department of Health for another year! To celebrate receiving the funding Emily Bossung, Baby & Me Tobacco-Free Facilitator, interviewed Creed Little and Josh Melton about how the Baby & Me Tobacco Free Program has helped them.

How has the Baby & Me Tobacco Free Program at Healthy Communities changed your life?

Creed: It has helped Josh and I want to stay quit from smoking and prevent the second-hand smoke exposure from our son, Cooper. It has also saved us so much money because we are not buying cigarettes anymore and with the program, our diapers and wipes are paid for.

Josh: With being a part of the Baby & Me Program and Libbi Smith’s Early Start Pre-Natal classes we learned so much and gained so many resources that we were able to take advantage of.

What is the best advice for moms and partners trying to quit and stay quit throughout the Baby & Me Tobacco Free Program?

Creed: At first it is hard, but so rewarding once you see your baby! Cooper makes it worth it every day. Having the diaper and wipe vouchers, I can buy any brand of diapers and wipes that is best for Cooper.

Josh: This experience is hard, but it is nice to do it as a team. Throughout this experience, we have been able to grow stronger as a family. As Creed’s supportive partner in the Baby & Me Program, together we receive $50 in vouchers a month, for 12 months if we remain smoke-free.

What is your favorite thing about the Baby & Me Tobacco Free Program through Health Communities of Clinton County?

Creed & Josh: Emily is always flexible when finding a time to meet once a month. Everyone at Healthy Communities was friendly to work with and have so many resources that have helped us. Clinton County is lucky to have the Baby & Me Tobacco Free Program because it isn’t offered everywhere and we are fortunate to be in the program.


“This is just one of the many success stories that the Baby & Me Tobacco-Free Program has had. We are excited to be able to continue with this program and continue decreasing the smoking while pregnant rate in Clinton County. Cooper is lucky to have parents that made the decision to live a smoke-free life and I couldn’t be more proud of this couple” says Bossung.