CSF Board Decides School Safety is Now Top Priority

The Community Schools of Frankfort Board of Education has announced that they have changed their top overall belief statement.

“It is our belief that we have to create a environment where our students and staff are safe and that our kids and staff feel safer so that learning and teaching can take place in our buildings,” said Superintendent Don DeWeese, who made the announcement following the last board meeting on March 13.

Student learning was the top priority. However, DeWeese stressed that student learning is still extremely important in the day-to-day operation of the district. However, with the changing times, the board felt it was obligated to make the change for overall safety.

The board also made a change in their achievement goals.

“Our kids overall do not perform as well on the ISTEP as the other kids around the state,” said DeWeese. “We want to continue to have as high an achievement as we can. We know there are some other opportunities and other ways of measuring that academic achievement.”

Another change came on the heels of the successful transition to 1 to 1 learning at the high school in January. DeWeese said the same thing will be done at Frankfort Middle School.

“By January of 2020, we hope to be doing 1 to 1 at Frankfort Middle School in grades six through eight,” said DeWeese. “It’s going to take us a little time and it’s an expensive endeavor. But, we have found it worth our effort to do this.”

The following are the goal, belief, value and vision statements for the Community Schools of Frankfort.

Goal Statements
• Community Schools of Frankfort will provide outstanding educational experiences and learning environments that allow students to meet educational goals that are personalized, rigorous, and enduring.
• All Community Schools of Frankfort personnel will achieve the levels of Effective or Highly Effective on annual evaluations.
• The Community Schools of Frankfort will increase and enhance parent involvement and community partnerships.
• The Community Schools of Frankfort will provide a safe, physical and social environment for students and staff.
• The Community Schools of Frankfort will collaborate with community agencies to support the reduction of substance abuse in our community.
• The Community Schools of Frankfort will implement one-to-one technology in grades 6-8 by January 2020.
• The Community Schools of Frankfort will further develop expertise in financial management to facilitate effective revenue and expense forecasting, budgeting, and proactive revenue alternatives.

Belief Statements
CSF believes:
• Student and staff safety is first and foremost in all of our daily operations.
• Student Learning is our top priority and is directly correlated to effective classroom instruction;
• Highly effective personnel are key to improving student achievement.
• Facilities that are safe, healthy, clean and well-maintained, with access to current technology, enhance the learning and working environment;
• Financial decisions correlate with and support the educational goals of the school corporation while maintaining open, proactive communication with stakeholders;
• Student achievement, safety, and character development are shared responsibilities among students, parents, community, and all school employees;
• Schools support and guide students in their quest to find personal fulfillment in the school community through extended learning opportunities.

Value Statements
CSF values:
• Equal opportunities for students to demonstrate academic, emotional, social and character growth;
• Equitable access to a rigorous research-basedcurriculum;
• Instruction that reflects best practices and is aligned with curriculum and assessments;
• Personnel who exhibit moral and ethical behavior, focus on continual improvement of their professional skills, are positive role models, and have high expectations for every student;
• Integration of technology into instructional practices at all grade levels;
• Exploration, development, and initiation of high quality programs that utilize technology to move learning beyond the classroom;
• Early childhood development as a means to best prepare our students for a future of academic success.

Vision Statement
The Community Schools of Frankfort is a safe place where students and parents choose to attend, and highly effective personnel desire to work. Students will be provided a rigorous and relevant curriculum that begins with early childhood education and extends beyond the classroom. Technology will be highly utilized
across the curriculum, and students will apply their talents to impact their lives and the world around them. CSF faculty and staff will be supported through
professional development and have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources made possible through sound fiscal management. Achievement will be a shared responsibility among students, parents, community, and all school employees, thus developing a sense of pride within the community.