Delphi Police Report ‘Wrong Way’ Driving As Daily Occurence On Union Street

Traffic stops on the one-way stretch of Union Street have become a daily occurence according to the Delphi Police Department.
– Photo courtesy of Sgt. Alex Parkinson

The Delphi Police Department released a reminder for the community to remain aware when traveling on Union Street due to numerous traffic stops that have been occurring on the one-way street.

The department stated that traffic stops for vehicles traveling the wrong way on Union Street have begun to occur daily in Delphi despite the 16 signs that are placed throughout the two blocks of Union Street to designate the street as allowing only one-way traffic. Both ends of the street are also adorned with “do not enter” signs with spinners atop the signs to draw the eye of drivers to avoid driving the incorrect way on the street.

The department stated that the daily occurrences are despite the almost 2-year implementation and enforcement of the one-way street. The ordinance to declare the blocks of Union Street as one-way streets was passed in July 2021, and the official change to the street was enacted in October 2022.

“The intersection at Union and Main Streets was dangerous with very poor sight lines for cars turning onto Main Street,” the department released. “A four-way stop was discussed by the common council but raised concerns that traffic would back up from the light and potentially block the fire station.”

The one-way street was then enacted to block traffic from turning onto Main Street from Union Street due to the perceived dangers that the intersection caused. After the ordinance was implemented in October 2022, Union Street from Main Street to Franklin Street traveling north became a one-way street and Union Street from Main Street to Front Street became a one-way street traveling south.

The department encouraged community members to remain aware of the one-way street signs to avoid the daily incidents of vehicles traveling in the wrong direction that has been reported by officers since the changes were enacted.