Drug Take Back Event Held Saturday at Frankfort High School

Members of the Frankfort Police Department and Clinton County Sheriff’s Office dump drugs into a garbage bin that were brought to the Drug Take Back event Saturday at Frankfort High School.

Clinton County high school students joined with members of the Frankfort Police Department and Clinton County Sheriff’s Office Saturday morning for a Drug Take Back event in the parking lot at Frankfort High School.

According to Frankfort High School senior Caden Stine, who was one of the organizers for this event, said just under 50 cars came through the drop off area in a three-hour period. That resulted in five-and-a-half large garbage bags being filled with unwanted, outdated and leftover drugs that will properly be disposed of.

“It’s been great,” said Stine. “We averaged about 17 cars during the first two hours.”

Major Joe Mink of the Clinton County Sheriff’s Office said he thought about 45 pounds of drugs were collected during the event.

Libby Smith of Healthy Communities of Clinton County Coalition said she thought this was a great example of what can happen when people come together to fight the opioid problem.

“Anytime we hear that kids are stepping up to do do something for our communities we’re excited because we know we’re doing something right and we’re excited that these kids are going to run our towns later and our communities,” said Smith.

Stine was asked his thoughts about the input of students into an event of this nature.

“We’ve got a great base of young people that are really trying to make a positive change which is not something you can say about everywhere,” said Stine. “It’s really nice that we have that here in Frankfort. Also, Central and Prairie (students) were very helpful. We had a lot of people from out there that came through here today.”

Smith added the event was great.

“We’ve had a good turnout,” she said. “It’s an example of the kids doing something and the adults following them.”