Frankfort Fire This Morning Leaves Three Suncrest Children, Mom and Dad Homeless

An early morning fire Thursday left five residents at 707 Blinn Avenue looking for clothing and a place to stay.  The fire department has determined the current home is uninhabitable.

Shentel Clark and Matthew Wilden and the three children hope to locate to a three bedroom, one or two bath residence.   Both parents are employed but unable to find a place to stay at the time of publication. According to Wilden, the cause of the blaze in undetermined.

Children are in need of clothing:

10 year old boy: size 14-16

8 year old girl: Jr. size medium/large or XL girl size

4 year old boy: size 5 pants, size 5-6 shirts

Wilden said, “I just ask that if anybody can help, please help get stuff for the kids, cause they’re the ones that suffered the most in the situation.  I thank all that are willing to support and help.”

If you would like to contact the family if you have an idea for a place for them to stay, clothing or other needed supplies, call Shentel (who works at NTK) at 765-652-7110 or Matthew at 765-652-7211.

Thursday Morning Fire in Home at 707 Blinn Avenue in Frankfort displaces family of 5.