Frankfort Library and Branches Temporarily Closed

With consideration of decisions by state and local officials, school systems, and public health departments, Frankfort Community Public Library Board of Trustees and senior staff have made the decision to close all locations to the public at the close of business Monday, March 16. This includes cancellation of all Library programming occurring inside and outside our buildings.  Also all non-library events and meeting room bookings are cancelled.

Presently, we plan to reopen with normal hours and services on Monday, April 6 – but we will continue to assess the situation to determine if a longer closure is warranted.   However, programs, classes and meeting room use are cancelled until the end of April.

We are closing to protect the health of our staff, our communities, and our patrons, for which we care deeply. Closing sooner will offer greater benefit to the social distancing effort to limit the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Clinton County.

During this time, we will utilize our blog and social media channels on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share information with patrons, including updates on our closure and tips for making the most of online Library resources. We also encourage you to visit to explore books, movies, shows, research tools, and more to download and stream.

We encourage patrons to keep checked out materials in their homes until the library reopens.  All fines and fees during this closure will be waived.

If you need to contact the library, you can email us at