Frankfort Moose Lodge #7’s Halloween Parties

The Kids Halloween party was Saturday afternoon and adult Halloween Party With The Snake Charmers Hosted by Frankfort Moose Lodge #7 started at 9 P.M. By Paula Davis Perkins
(Kids party photos by Paula) The Frankfort Moose Lodge held their Halloween Parties for the children and adults on October 27, 2018. The kiddos were treated to fun games, prizes and snacks! Three lucky kids were awarded prizes for best costumes. The adult party was later in the evening and featured the Snake Charmers band which encouraged all the ghouls and monsters to shake their booties! The band started at 9:00 and played until well after midnight. The costume contest was held and after many rounds of audience participation, three winners were selected. Everyone had a great time!


by Erick Dircks

Photos by Paula Davis Perkins click here

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