Frankfort Police Prioritize Reduction in Property Crimes

Although Frankfort’s crime rates are trending downward, police are concerned about the level of property crimes in the community, with plans to work closely with residents through community meetings, directed patrols and a Property Crimes Prevention Campaign to help reduce this type of criminal activity.
According to Police Chief Troy Bacon, following easy steps can go a long way in helping to reduce property crimes.
“Many of the property crimes we respond to can be prevented by merely locking your vehicles and outbuildings and securing medications. Our goal is to partner with residents – as we often have in many of our crime prevention and awareness efforts –  to reduce many of these crimes through prevention,” Bacon said.
Police officers are offering the following tips to help reduce property crime, with many of these suggestions reinforced in the upcoming months:
Lock it up or lose it: lock all car doors every time you exit your vehicle. This action only takes a few seconds; the same
 amount of time it takes a thief to steal valuables from your unlocked car.
Lock and secure storage sheds and outbuildings.
Keep prescription medications in a secure location and tell only trusted people about the types of prescriptions you
Remove all valuables from vehicles, including loose change, mail, packages, GPS devices, garage door openers, cell
   phones, CD players and vehicle titles. Keep registrations in a secure location within your car in case you are stopped
   by police.
Replace burnt out lightbulbs quickly on porches and outbuildings, especially on motion security lights.
Report burnt out street lights to the Frankfort Power and Light call center at 765-654-4424.
See something, say something:report suspicious activity to the Police Department at 765-654-4431.
“A high number of property crimes can be avoided by simply decreasing or eliminating the opportunity someone has to victimize you or your property,” Bacon said. “We rely on our very engaged and supportive community to collaborate with us and I am confident this teamwork will lead to a decrease in thefts and property crimes in our neighborhoods and throughout our city.”
As part of their Property Crimes Prevention Campaign, police officers soon will be providing crime prevention tip flyers in residents’ utility bills and posting messages on social media.