Hidden In Plain Site A Definite Must Read For Parents

Clinton Central guests at Friday Night Games included an Officer and a project coordinator for the program ” Intersect” Shelly Ross, Specializing in Alcohol,Tobacco, and Drug Prevention Initiatives. With these things so easy to be found and ruin our children s lives this is a good program. Intersect ,Your connection to healthy living. We had the chance to tour the trailer brought in my intersect and view many signs that a child or teenager may be using any or all of these drugs that could be a danger in your family. Hidden in Plain site has a web site. or you can contact Shelly Ross for any questions or concerns at (765)683-0452, or Shelly.intersect@gmail.com. web site www.intersectinc.org. If you suspect that a loved one may be in danger or that they are doing drugs, alcohol, or tobacco

Photo By Patty Keaton Parks

please view this web site or contact Shelly for tips. This is a very educational site and could save a life.