Indiana COVID-19 Death Rate Lowest Since March

The seven day moving average death rate in Indiana for COVID-19 on September 5, 2020 is at its lowest level since March.

Indiana 7 day moving average death rate since mid August is in decline.

The red line on graph below shows the seven day moving average statewide daily death rate at 6 deaths per day. September 5 is at far right of graph. September 5 is most current data available on September 7, 2020. site shows COVID-19 seven day rolling average death rate (red line) at lowest level since March site on September 7 reported a moving average death rate at 6 for COVID-19 deaths. This is the lowest death rate since March. Data is available up to September 5.

To help put this death rate in context, in the year 2018 according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) site,  Indiana reported an annual average of about 3 (three) statewide deaths PER DAY from “influenza/pneumonia”. (See CDC table below).

The influenza/pneumonia mortality death rate in the CDC table for Indiana (14) refers to the annual death rate PER 100,000 population.  Indiana has a population of 6.7 million, yielding the annualized influenza/pneumonia death count in Indiana at about 1000 per year.

CDC data from 2018 shows 1,118 deaths in Indiana caused by “Influenza/Pneumonia”. This is a daily statewide average of 3.06 deaths per day.

Summary: Indiana COVID-19 death rate has been in decline since its last peak on August 17 at 19 deaths per day on a moving average.

On September 7, the seven day moving average was at 6 per day as of latest data available through September 5. This is a reduction of 13 deaths per day since mid August.

For context, “Influenza/Pneumonia”  are listed by the CDC as the ninth most common cause of death in Indiana, causing 1000-1200 deaths annually.   (Approximately 3 per day).

The death rate in Indiana for Heart Disease averages about 39.58 deaths per day, according to CDC, based on annual numbers.

Influenza/Pneumonia is the ninth leading cause of death in Indiana according to CDC data from 2018. Each year approximately approximately 1000 to 1200 Influenza/Pneumonia deaths occur in Indiana.

We will continue to monitor these important numbers as data changes.
