INDOT Announces Upcoming Construction To Implement Wireless Charging For Electric Vehicles On U.S. 231 In A First For The United States

The Indiana Department of Transportation has announced its partnership with Purdue University and Cummins Inc. to build a “first-of-its-kind” segment of roadway in the United States.

According to the department, the segment will feature the ability to charge heavy duty and passenger electric vehicles as they travel the the highways at normal speeds.

A pilot segment will be reportedly constructed on U.S. 231 and U.S. 52 between Cumberland Avenue and Lindberg Road in West Lafayette. According to the department, the segment will act as a pilot segment following multiple years of in-depth research and testing, and the segment will be implemented near the department’s West Lafayette Subdistrict office.

The construction contract was reportedly awarded to White Construction, and the installation of the dynamic wireless power transfer test site has been set to begin on or after Monday, April 1. Starting April 1 or soon after, crews will close the right land headed westbound on U.S. 231 and U.S. 52 to begin pavement removal.

The department stated that construction is expected to continue through the fall as weather permits with additional work being implemented until May 2025.

“INDOT encourages all drivers to slow down, buckle up and put their phones down while traveling in the area for the safety of other motorists and road workers,” the department released.

For more information and a timeline on the dynamic wireless power transfer project, visit INDOT’s website.