Inside That 4-H Building: Celebrating 4-H Projects In Clinton County

WILO and WILO TV are broadcasting from the Livestock Show Arena with coverage from the Swine Show, Supreme Showman, Livestock Auction and more…and we are happy to be there.

We are so pleased this year to take a walk down to the 4-H building and Clinton Hall.  Let’s take a look at the fantastic 4-H projects displayed in the air-conditioned 4-H building at the Clinton County 4-H Fair.

Erick Dircks put together some video tributes to the talents and efforts of the 4-Hers exhibiting at the Fair and displaying at the 4-H building and Clinton Hall.

Be sure to check out these exhibits before the fair ends….and remember “Buddy Night” on the Midway Friday Night.

Photo by Erick Dircks

For the first time ever, with your Buddy Night Sticker, you can ride the rides unlimited from 5 PM to close on Friday Night for only 10 dollars with your buddy sticker from Schulz Market, Susan Kaspar State Farm or any Clinton County Good-to-Go location.  Pick up your sticker at one of these businesses today.

Enjoy these photos and videos from the fair.

4-H Exhibit Photos by Erick Dircks: CLICK HERE

Facebook Users CLICK HERE

Clinton Hall had several exhibits at the fair and Erick Dircks visited several of them and shares his visit with you here:

Clinton Hall Photos by Erick Dircks: CLICK HERE

Facebook Users : CLICK HERE

Photo by Erick Dircks
