Interest Growing in CAST Program for Frankfort Schools

The word is getting out about the CAST (Community and Schools Together) program put on by the Community Schools of Frankfort according to CAST director Lola VanDyke, who is also the Title I director for the district.

“It (the word) is really getting out and I think more and more people want to know about the Community Schools of Frankfort and about our schools,” said VanDyke. “I think that every month when we offer a different aspect and different speakers that provide more and more knowledge so they can see what is happening behind the scenes at our school and in our district office.”

At least two new individuals attended CAST for the first time on Wednesday ( a total of 10 attended) to hear Superintendent Don DeWeese talks about the budget and business operations of the district. He turned out to be the lone speaker because the other scheduled guests who were suppose to talk about school safety and the district’s safe schools initiatives couldn’t make the program.

“He has everything right at the tip of his mind,” said VanDyke about DeWeese. “He’s always focusing in the future with what needs to be worked on and what our budget needs to be in for years to come. He’s a very good visionary.”

DeWeese broke down the budget in three categories — state, local and federal. He said the general fund is taken care of by the state, while debt service, capital projects, transportation, bus replacement and pension debt are all local items. Items like Title I, Title II and Title III as well as food services are all federal items.

“Budgets are tricky because we are spending taxpayer dollars,” said DeWeese, who added the district has seven different properties and currently has a total debt of around $48 million dollars including the recent $30 million referendum to renovate Frankfort High School. He also said that work on Frankfort Middle School is likely next on the horizon because that building needs a new roof and is currently 30 years old.

CAST meets the third Wednesday of each month during the regular school year which means they meet from September through May. If anyone is interested in participating, they are urged to contact VanDyke at 654-5585, ext. 1012.