Ivy Tech Commencement Will Be Held in December

Ivy Tech Community College Lafayette has announced the date for its commencement ceremony that was previously scheduled for May 10. The ceremony will be held on Saturday, December 12, at 2 p.m. in Loeb Playhouse located in Stewart Center on the Purdue University campus. Students who were eligible to participate in the May 10 ceremony will be invited to participate. Students who meet the qualifications to graduate at the end of the Fall 2020 semester will be given the option to attend the December ceremony or the May 2021 ceremony.

“These are challenging times, and our students have shown great resilience as we closed our campus and moved to virtual courses. Our graduates deserve a special moment to celebrate their achievement with their families and fellow students,” said Chancellor Dr. David Bathe, Ivy Tech Lafayette. “We will follow all social distancing guidelines that may be in place at the time of the ceremony. We look forward to being together in December to honor our graduates.”

Each spring, approx. 900 students receive degrees and certificates, and approx. 400 graduates participate in the commencement ceremony. The ceremony has traditionally been held in Elliott Hall of Music on the Purdue campus.