Kirklin Travlers 12u Girls Defeat Westfield Red In Championship

Story Contributor Danielle Ritchie

Kirklin 12u girls team has put in hard work, dedication, many hours of practice on the field and at their own homes, they have had a groups of parents who have done nothing but believe in them and push them to do their best and today that hard work paid off as Kirklin defeated Westfield Red 14-4, and ended their season with an amazing 15-1 record.

Danielle Richie tells us that Both teams in the championship game, Westfield and Kirklin displayed TOP NOTCH sportsmanship and it was the most relaxed championship game she had ever been a part of, followed by a cookout with both teams and families in attendance.

Sometimes we get so lost in the mix of making our children think that the opposing team is an “enemy” that we forget to teach them what’s important and that’s that every team, player, coach, umpire has feelings and deserve the utmost respect, motivation, and last but not least sportsmanship.

This is the first tournament Danielle ever hosted, of course there were issues it didn’t go completely as planned the entire week, but they all worked hard and pushed through and made it happen.

Always remember and never forget..
Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game! -Babe Ruth

Photos by Jessica Ball

Photo by Jessica Ball