‘Leading With 2020 Vision’ Wednesday, November 4

The WILO/Chamber of Commerce “Leading With 2020 Vision” series continued Wednesday morning with Healthy Communities of Clinton County Coalition Executive Director Lorra Archibald.

“We know our county is in the orange and close to red,” said Archibald. “I think we’re teetering dangerously on going red. It wouldn’t surprise me. I would really encourage people to try to self regulate, wear their masks and stay in when they can because if we go to red, then the Health Department definitely has the right to enforce more restrictions. If people can do it voluntarily, I always think that’s nice and try to keep out numbers down in the desired range.”

Join us Thursday for another WILO/Chamber of Commerce “Leading With 2020 Vision” with Rossville School Superintendent and Clinton County School Safety Commission Chairman Dr. Jim Hanna.

Click on the audio for today’s interview.