Legislative Session Ends With Work on The Table

Inside INdiana Business is reporting the 2018 General Assembly reached its conclusion Wednesday with several bills missing House or Senate votes. The bills — which include proposals involving the takeover of Muncie Community Schools by Ball State University and additional school safety funding — were approved by both bodies and cleared conference committees, but failed to be considered before the midnight deadline. Governor Eric Holcomb said “there’s still work to be done” and he will “look at all that can be done to complete unfinished business – whether that’s by administrative or legislative authority, if needed.”

Legislation that was approved Wednesday and is heading to the governor’s desk concerns workforce issue oversight, opioid addiction treatment center access, CBD oil legalization and school funding. Senate President Pro Tem David Long (R-16) was scheduled to meet with members of the media this morning and that availability has been canceled.

In a statement released by House Minority Leader Terry Goodin (D-66), he said “the grown-ups sure dropped the ball this year” at the Statehouse.