Lighter Traffic Allows for Early Start to Road Projects

According to Inside INdiana Business, the Indiana Department of Transportation reports the state’s stay-at-home order is having an impact on traffic, so much so INDOT says it’s getting an early start on planned road construction projects.

INDOT Commissioner John McGuinness says traffic volume is down 40% on weekdays and 50% on weekends.

“Because of this, we are getting a jumpstart on our construction season and preparing to make additional closures where efficient detour routes allow, providing workers a safer workplace expedite the project and, in the end, save Hoosiers more valuable tax dollars,” says McGuinness.

But with the lighter traffic,  McGuinness has one urgent message:  “Please slow down.” The commissioner says he’s noticed a large uptick in vehicle speeds around the state. “I know we’re experiencing far less traffic, but the speeds have increased considerably.”

McGuinness urges drivers to be careful as they’ll start to see road construction signs, orange barrels, and heavy road equipment in construction zones.

One such project is in Marion County on Interstate 70. Starting Monday, work between the North Split and I-465 will get underway with all eastbound lanes and ramps closed for approximately 30 days.

INDOT said the project will continue through mid-to-late May. McGuinness says work on the westbound lanes in the same stretch will begin later in April.

“This will allow our workers and the contractors to work in a safer environment and get the project done in just a month compared to the original five-plus months,’ says McGuinness.

The INDOT commissioner says work on section six of the I-69 project will get underway. That stretch of roadway runs from Martinsville to I-465 on the southwest side of Indianapolis.

McGuinness also announced 214 Indiana communities and counties will receive a combined $127 million in matching grants for local road projects through the state’s Next Level Roads: Community Crossings Initiative.

Click here to view the list of recipients.