Local Utilities Departments Warn Of Circulating Scams

Frankfort Municipal Utilities and Lebanon Utilities have both reported attempted scams circulating the communities that they serve, including house visits after the office closes and phone calls demanding payment.

Frankfort Municipal Utilities reported that a scam was circulating sporadically throughout Frankfort as customers have reported people knocking on their doors and requesting entry to check the water systems, claiming to be a member of the utilities team. Frankfort Municipal Utilities General Manager Todd Corrie released information that the utilities team does not approach the residences of customers outside of the office hours, especially not without a prior-scheduled appointment, and the utilities member would outwardly identify themselves and be wearing proper city-issued uniforms. Community members are encouraged to report incidents to local authorities or the city.

Lebanon Utilities issued a warning regarding utility scams, which include scam calls where the caller demands immediate payment for the utility bill, threatening that disconnection will occur without written notice. Lebanon Utilities issued a statement that a phone call would never be issued from the department with demands for payment, and community members who believe the caller is a scammer should refuse to provide information, hang up the phone and alert authorities if necessary.