Mayor Says Shooting Has Prompted School Initiative

This morning’s heartbreaking news about the shooting at Noblesville West Middle School prompted me to go ahead and share an initiative I’ve been working with Frankfort Community Schools Superintendent Don DeWeese and Police Chief Troy Bacon on for the past several weeks.

Planning is underway to greatly increase security at each of our three elementaries: Blue Ridge, Green Meadows and Suncrest, Frankfort Middle School and Frankfort High School with the addition of dedicated police officers and metal detectors at every one of our schools.

The Noblesville community is down the road from us and their tragedy this morning hits way too close to home. Superintendent DeWeese, Chief Bacon and I have been in talks for some time and while I was going to have a few more details in place before publicly announcing this safety project, today’s violence nearly in our backyard escalating sharing the news of our plans.

Stay tuned for more details of our partnership with our wonderful school administration and police officials as we work together to do everything possible to protect our youngsters, teachers and school staff.

We stand united with the Noblesville community as they deal with the aftermath of this senseless shooting. The adult and teen injured, all the students, parents, teachers, administrators, first responders and the entire Noblesville community are in our thoughts and prayers. May God bless them all.

Mayor Chris McBarnes