McBarnes’ presentation will be available that evening via a link on his Facebook page, the City’s Facebook page and the City’s Web site:
“I am pleased to be working with our talented high school students on this year’s State of the City. Those in the radio and TV class will do the broadcast while Frankfort Future Leaders Advisory Council President Matt Snell will introduce me. This year’s event is a true team effort, tapping into the interest and skills of our youth to produce it.
“In preparation for my remarks that day, we have issued a series of mayoral messages in the past several days, outlining the opportunities and challenges we face as a community, the financial state of our City and how we plan to fund our vision involving a new police station, Prairie Creek Park and enhancements to our wastewater treatment plant.
“With our many accomplishments achieved together, the strong financial condition of our community and the opportunities and challenges ahead of us, Frankfort is at a unique place – a tipping point – in our progress,” McBarnes said. “We can either cross our fingers and hope for continued advancement or we can take well-crafted, strategic, promising steps to strengthen the safety, infrastructure, economic development health, recreational amenities and overall appeal of our City for the benefit of our children and grandchildren.”
As all the McBarnes administration’s 100 and 200-Day Plans and Quality of Place Plans have, this year’s State of the City relates to the administration’s four cornerstones of Neighborhood Revitalization, Economic Development, Communications and Citizen Voice.