HCCC will be present at the doors with giveaways and educational information on mental health. Mental health awareness T-shirts have been purchased for both teams to wear during warm up and to throw out during the starting line up announcements. This will be a similar event to the Mental Health Awareness volleyball games held in the fall.
Also at Clinton Central that evening, Hidden in Plain Sight will be in the ag shop! Hidden in Plain Sight is a traveling exhibit to show potential hazards in a teen’s living space that a parent/guardian may not be aware of. These potential hazards could indicate drugs, alcohol, or other destructive behavior and how to help start the conversation between you and your teen. This exhibit is for adults only. Tours will begin at 6 p.m. and will last until 8 p.m. A tour will include walking through the trailer, which is set up like a teen’s living space, with a police officer (who travels with the trailer) to describe what you may be seeing, and you will leave with a parent handbook. For more information, you can visit Intersect’s website here: http://intersectinc.org/projects-2/hidden-in-plain-sight/