Movie With Santa And Helpers A Success

By Tammy Klecz Danner
The Elves arrived at the Library at 1:30  to start decorating and by 3:30 Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived to greet the children. Santa and Mrs. Claus gave out goody bags and the elves helped with the popcorn and directed the children to their seats.

When all the children where seated Santa and Mrs. Clause came out to the stage and again welcomed the children and wished them all a merry Christmas.

After a short technical issue the movie began but until that time to keep the children entertained we sang some Christmas songs and had Santa come back onto the stage and have each child tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas . After the movie they where invited to visit with Santa and have hot chocolate and cookies. A great time was had by all. We as F.U.N. would like to thank all the children for attending and bringing their parents out with them and enjoying this event with us.. WE are planning to make this a yearly event.

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Photo by Erick Dircks