Mulberry Receives Grants, Loan For Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements

The Town of Mulberry is expected to jumpstart improvements to its wastewater systems with the receipt of two grants and the approval for a loan that will aid in expanding the wastewater capacity for the town.

The Town of Mulberry announced its receipt of a $7,454,000 grant from the Indiana State Revolving Fund alongside a $700,000 grant from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs to fund several wastewater infrastructure projects within the town following months of discussions related to the water quality and the local lift station. The town reportedly also received a SRF zero-interest loan for an additional $2,200,000 to be spent on the project.

In Feb. 2021, the town began working toward implementing the new wastewater improvements with a planning grant following notification that its wastewater infrastructure had reached 98% capacity. Following three years of research, applications and community discussions, the grants and loan are expected to increase the capacity and allow for improved wastewater facilities for the town.

The planned infrastructure improvements are expected to increase the capacity by approximately 50% with the total cost for the project expected to be around $10,600,000 with the remaining funds being provided by the town’s American Rescue Plan Act funds, totaling $235,000, and the wastewater funds, totaling $20,000. Mulberry Clerk-Treasurer Paula Bennett expressed her enthusiasm for the upcoming project.

“We are grateful to receive these grant dollars and interest free loan to assist the Town in funding this project,” Bennet said. “Using these funds allows the Town Council to limit the direct impact to ratepayers and keep costs as low as possible for our residents.”

A public hearing will be held for the project at 7 p.m. on Monday, July 29 at the Mulberry Centennial Park. For further information, contact the Town hall at 765-296-2455.